Tips & Tricks to prepare for JLPT N3 Level

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Tips & Tricks to prepare for JLPT N3 Level

After successfully completing JLPT N4, what is your next step? Based on the knowledge you gain from the N4 Level, you should move further for JLPT N3. People who are willing to build their career in Japan, for them N3 is considered to be the most important level in the Japanese Language. However, JLPT N2 & N1 are required for high-level jobs such as trading companies, consultants, embassy, and so on. But you can move one step ahead once you clear your JLPT N3 level. Once you start your journey with the N3 level, you will understand how many vocabulary words and kanjis you need to memorize. So, in this guide, you will understand the details of the N3 level and get some tips on how you should study to achieve your goals


Scoring of JLPT N3 Level

The scoring is also divided only into three sections, as follows:

  • Vocabulary, grammar, and reading range from 0 to 60.
  • Reading ranges from 0 to 60.
  • Listening ranges from 0 to 60.

Hence, the overall score ranges from 0 to 180.


Passing Score for JLPT N3

In order to pass the JLPT N3 level, you need to score the minimum marks in each section. 

Let’s understand the passing score required in each section. 

  • Vocabulary, grammar, and reading 19/60
  • Reading 19/60
  • Listening 19/60

Total marks 95/180


JLPT N3 Objective: 

The main objective of the JLPT N3 level is to understand the Japanese Language for daily life usage. To accompany the conversation in the Japanese Language, you not only need to learn and understand as many as possible Japanese vocabulary words, but also get used to the nuance connoted in the statements. However, it does not mean that you must also follow all the rules that Japanese people use daily. But the test is designed by professionals to understand your approach towards your goals. 


N3 Level Exam: Preparation

Now, let’s learn how to effectively prepare for the N3 level.

Before you start your preparation for the JLPT N3 exam, you should first understand the structure of the tests. The test is divided into three sections to assess your knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, and listening ability. Each section has multiple-choice questions and written pieces at a higher level.


Use preparation materials for a better score.

Make use of flashcards, last-year test papers, worksheets, and grammar books while preparing for the JLPT N3 exam. You can even create your own flashcards at home and revise. Do you use online resources to search for meanings and gain a better understanding of vocabulary words and grammar? Also, many online courses now offer access to virtual classrooms, which can be beneficial for learning with peers, asking questions, and getting feedback from an instructor.


Try to create strategy plans.

You can ensure you have a good strategy plan for the test by developing methods for each type of question. Review all kinds of questions and use practice tests to work on different skills, like remembering kanji or vocabulary words faster, understanding language patterns quickly and effectively, or finding information in a passage. You could read the questions ahead of time so that you know what the main points are when you read the text.


On the test day.

Do arrive before time and carry your pencils, erasers, test voucher, and a watch. When you arrive, show your voucher, and the staff will direct you to a room.



Preparing for the JLPT N3 exam requires a strategic approach and dedication. You can improve your chances of success by utilizing various study materials, practicing regularly, and understanding the test structure. Remember to create a study plan, use online resources, and practice with past test papers. On the test day, arrive early and be well-prepared with all necessary items.

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